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What are the Two Types of Solar Energy?

What are the Two Types of Solar Energy?

Solar Energy is energy derived from the sun, captured by a series of ever-changing technologies, including solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal power, solar architecture, solar heat energy, and photovoltaic solar power systems.

The Benefits of Solar Energy

black and silver solar panels in a large field with trees under the sky

Solar energy has many benefits; it has been projected that solar power alone could potentially save the Earth from the catastrophic global warming that is taking place at a horrific rate. It is a clean source of energy that is virtually limitless and a secure and sustainable source of energy that can be used for our daily needs and will never deplete or run out like other fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Environmental Impact

In addition, there are other environmental and health benefits associated with the use of solar energy. For example, solar power can be used to heat swimming pools, garden water and also can be used to generate electricity for domestic use.

The use of solar energy reduces the need for fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas for domestic and industrial usage. This reduces the overall greenhouse gas emissions, which is one of the key contributors to global warming—in addition, using radiant energy and solar energy to restore the Earth's natural resources, such as rainforests and renewable energy sources.

How Solar Energy Works

Suppose you're looking to build your own home solar power system; how solar energy works can be a little confusing at first, especially if you're not sure what all the terms mean. Many terminologies can get mixed up in the sea of energy jargon that makes up today's green tech world, and most people choose to go with the simpler terms for their project at the beginning.

But before you know it, you'll find yourself struggling to understand how solar energy works in absolute terms and be left with a headache when you've already spent thousands of dollars and have yet to see any results. So let's take a look at how solar energy works in layman's terms.

What You Need to Know

Solar power technology takes advantage of the fact that the sun's light and heat can be captured through photovoltaic cells found on the surface of these flat solar panels that you've likely see on roofs. These cells absorb the energy from the sun and change it into power suitable for use by your home electronics or other electrical items.

The solar cells are also known as photovoltaic modules (PV), and they're what produce the electricity you need. The PV modules are connected to form a panel, where the sunlight shines on and turns it into an electric current.

The Overall System Works Simple

silhouette of wind mills shone by the sun

You may think this seems pretty complex, but once you've bought your photovoltaic modules and connected them, you should be able to see your electric bill start to decline! It may seem like a new concept at first, but it's easy to explain: the more electricity you generate from your solar panels, the more power you can send back to your power grid, and the less you'll have to pay on your electric bill.

This is called net metering, and you can earn cash incentives and even keep the money you generated for yourself instead of sending it back to the power grid. Soon enough, you may find that you can eliminate your electric bill!

Types of Solar Energy

Solar energy is today a smart option for many consumers, companies, and organizations looking to make greener, more affordable energy and save on their monthly energy bills. Many are well acquainted with the appearance of solar panels and rightly perceived solar energy to be free energy produced by the sunlight's rays that reach into residential solar panels.

However, there is much more to it. The sun's rays are not the only source of renewable energy but are by no means the only ones readily available. Several other types of renewable energy may be more suitable for your particular needs.

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Photovoltaic solar energy is an alternative energy source to fossil fuels and is becoming more widespread across America as the cost of oil continues to rise. Photovoltaic, which is derived from the Greek words photos (light), volt (electricity), and ohm (field) and is usually described as the separation of electrons between two substances. The transformation of electromagnetic light into electric energy with a semiconductor material displays the photovoltaic characteristic, a phenomenon best studied in electronics, photochemistry, and electricity.

The photovoltaic phenomenon is also used as a sensor and in the commercialization of solar energy. As many as 25% of all solar cells produce their output directly from photovoltaic solar energy. However, there are still ways to lower the production costs and make the technology cheaper and more available to everyone.

Concentrated Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the most significant sources of clean, green, and renewable energy. As a result, solar energy panels are becoming more popular all over the world. It is also essential for those living in remote places to use solar energy for power. Concentrating solar energy has been around for many years, but new advancements have dramatically increased its efficiency. Here is how concentrated solar power works:

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